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Notice of Public Hearing


11020 Sun Center Drive, #200, Rancho Cordova, California 95670-6114








Discharger and Tentative Order Information

The Discharger provides sewerage service to wastewater customers for the community of Linda, portions of unincorporated Yuba County south of Marysville, and the City of Marysville. The City of Marysville wastewater conveyance to the WWTP began in November 2019. Wastewater primarily consists of domestic residential connections with limited commercial customers. No industrial uses occur within the current service area. The current design average dry weather flow capacity of the Facility is 5.0 million gallons per day. The Discharger is planning a regionalization project with the City of Marysville to accommodate planned and approved growth within the service area. The Discharger anticipates that the current permitted discharger rate is adequate for the service area needs through the next permit term with a current average dry weather flowrate of 2.6 million gallons per day.


The tentative Order includes new or revised effluent limitations for ammonia, biochemical oxygen demand, pH, and total suspended solids. The tentative Order proposes to maintain the human health mixing zones and dilution credits for development of the effluent limitations for chlorodibromomethane and dichlorobromomethane. The tentative Order removes effluent limits for flow because it is not a contaminant and bis (2-ethylhexyl) phthalate because it does not exhibit reasonable potential to exceed its respective water quality objective. Removal of these limits will not result in an increase in the pollutants or in the degradation of the receiving water. The tentative Order also grants an Instream Waste Concentration of 8.3% for chronic toxicity based on establishment of a 11:1 dilution ratio chronic mixing zone.

Public Hearing Date and Location

A public hearing concerning the tentative Order will be held during the Central Valley Water Board meeting scheduled for:



DATE:            8/9 December 2022

TIME:              8:30 a.m.

PLACE:          Regional Water Quality Control Board, Central Valley Region

11020 Sun Center Dr., Suite #200; Rancho Cordova, CA 95670 and

Remote Meeting via Video Teleconference

This public meeting is currently scheduled to take place in-person and via video and teleconference, but the format may be changed in the future. Any person wishing to obtain information about changes to the date, time, location, or format of the meeting should visit the Board’s website (https://www.waterboards.ca.gov/centralvalley/board_info/meetings).


The final meeting agenda (https://www.waterboards.ca.gov/centralvalley/board_info/meetings/) will be available at least 10 days before the meeting. The agenda will provide the anticipated date the hearing will be held for this item and anticipated order of all agenda items; however, the Board may consider agenda items out of their listed order. The agenda materials may also include staff revisions to the tentative Order.


Nature and Purpose of Hearing

At the hearing, the Central Valley Water Board will hear testimony and oral comments regarding the tentative Order. This proceeding will be a formal adjudicatory proceeding. The procedures governing Central Valley Water Board adjudicatory hearings (http://www.waterboards.ca.gov/laws_regulations/) may be found at California Code of Regulations, title 23, section 648 et seq. and are available upon request.


Prehearing Submission of Written Comments and Evidence

The Discharger is a party to this proceeding. As a party, the Discharger must submit written evidence or comments, if any, for the Board to consider no later than 5:00 p.m. on 2 November 2022 to the Central Valley Water Board email at



Interested persons include any non-party that is interested in the outcome of the hearing. Interested persons wishing to comment, in writing, on the tentative Order shall submit comments no later than 5:00 p.m. on 2 November 2022 to the Central Valley Water Board email at RB5S-NPDES-Comments@waterboards.ca.gov.


Pursuant to California Code of Regulations, title 23, section 648.4, the Board Chair may refuse to admit written evidence or comments that are not submitted in accordance with this Notice and shall refuse to do so when there is a showing of prejudice to the Discharger or the Board. Excluded material will not be considered by the Board.



Requesting Party Status

Persons who wish to participate in the hearing as a party must submit a request in writing no later than 5:00 p.m. on 2 November 2022 to the Central Valley Water Board email at RB5S-NPDES-Comments@waterboards.ca.gov. The request must include facts demonstrating how the person will be substantially affected by the proceeding.

The Board Chair will not designate a person as a party if the Board Chair determines the designation will impair the interests of justice and the orderly and prompt conduct of the proceeding. The Board Chair, when granting a request for party status, may impose restrictions on the requestor’s hearing participation, including limiting or excluding the use of cross-examination and other procedures to promote the orderly and prompt conduct of the proceeding.


Visual Presentations

Hearing participants may use PowerPoint or other visual presentations at the hearing, but the presentation content shall not exceed the scope of previously submitted written material. Presentations, if any, must be provided to the below Central Valley Water Board Contact by 12:00 p.m. on 1 December 2022.


Hearing Procedure and Time Limits

The hearing on the tentative Order will be conducted in the general order listed under California Code of Regulations, title 23, section 648.5, except that the Board Chair may modify the order for good cause.

The Discharger will be advised in advance of the hearing of the total amount of time allocated for its presentation and closing statement. The Discharger invited to contact staff in advance of the hearing to discuss how much time it believes is necessary.

Interested persons may speak at the hearing and are expected to orally summarize their written submittals, if any. Each interested person will have 3 minutes to present oral comments. Additional time may be provided, upon request, at the discretion of the Board Chair.


Hearing Accommodations

The hearing facilities will be accessible to persons with disabilities. Individuals requiring special accommodations are requested to send an email to agenda5@waterboards.ca.gov or call 916-464-4839 at least 5 working days prior to the meeting. TTY users may contact the California Relay Service at 1-800-735-2929 or voice line at 1-800-735-2922.


Availability of Documents

The tentative Order and related documents may be found on the Central Valley Water Board’s Tentative Orders Page (http://www.waterboards.ca.gov/centralvalley/board_decisions/tentative_orders/).

Copies of these documents may also be obtained by contacting or visiting the Central Valley Water Board’s office at 11020 Sun Center Drive, #200, Rancho Cordova,



California, 95670-6114 weekdays between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Scheduling an appointment to review the file by contacting the below Central Valley Water Board Contact in advance is not required but calling ahead will help ensure timely access to these documents.


Central Valley Water Board Contact

Anyone having questions regarding this hearing item should contact Will Chen at (916) 464-4816 or by email at Will.Chen@Waterboards.ca.gov.


Please bring the above information to the attention of anyone you know who would be interested in this matter.


Adam Laputz


Digitally signed by Adam Laputz Date: 2022.10.03

15:51:13 -07'00'



Adam Laputz, Assistant Executive Officer